Sweet Like DeDe

November 12, 2009

Sweet like DeDe 1. What is your name and age?

My name is Davir and, I’m 12 years old

2. Where were you born?

North Philadelphia, pa.

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Get on the computer or watch TV.

4.   What are you favorite musical groups?

Destiny’s child

5.   What are your favorite TV shows?

Drake & Josh

6.   What are you favorite books?

Goose bumps

7.   What are your favorite websites?


8.   What are you good at?   Do you have any special talents?

I’m good at singing

9.   What is the hardest thing about school for you?

Being in the class for 6 ⅟₂ hours.

10.   What is the easiest thing about school for you?

Being nice.

11.   What do you want to do when you grow up?

Sing .



I took a poll of my classmates on a current events issue.  See below:

about abu

November 10, 2009

abu picture 1. What is your name and age?

    Abu. I am 12 years old.

    2. Where were you born?

      I was born in Bangladesh.

      3. If you were not born in the United States, when did you come to this country?

        I came to this country in 2007 on Dec 8.

        4. What are some of the big differences between your home country and the United States?

          The school is different and most of the think about culture  is different. like in my country most people cook food at home and the ware different cloth.

          5.  How was school in your home country different from your school here in Philadelphia?

            The punishment is different .

            6.  What do you like best about your home country?  What do you like best about the United States?

            I like about my country is everybody in one family live together .and the I like about this country is they have lot of program in school .

            7. What languages do you speak at home?

              I speak Bangladesh.

              8. What do you like to do in your free time?

                Draw and watch t.v.

                9. What are you favorite musical groups?

                I like a singer from my country is Asif

                asif 10. What are your favorite TV shows?


                  11. What are you favorite books?


                    12.What are your favorite websites?


                      13.   What are you good at?   Do you have any special talents?

                      I am good at math

                      14. What is the hardest thing about school for you?

                        To understand vocabulary word

                        15. What is the easiest thing about school for you?

                          Little bit math.

                          16. What do you want to do when you grow up?

                            I want to be a scientist

                            nipa’s world

                            November 10, 2009


                            1.       What is your name and age? Nipa.  I am 11-year-old

                            2.       Where were you born? Bangladesh

                            3.        If you were not born in the United States, when did you come to this country? 2005

                            4.       What are some of the big differences between your home country and the United States? The different is that I don’t live with my whole family

                            5.       How was school in your home country different from your school here in Philadelphia?my home county school end at 12.00pm and the older kid end at 1.00pm

                            6.       What do you like best about your home country?  What do you like best about the United States?the best thing I like about my home country is that lot of people is around and there are a  lot of flowers and tree.the best thing about u.s.a is that there are lot of nice people around.

                            7.       What languages do you speak at home?bangla

                            8.       What do you like to do in your free time?watch tv

                            9.       What are you favorite musical groups? Mila from Bangladesh


                            this is a picture of mila from google

                            10.   What are your favorite TV shows?are you smarter than a fifth grader, smaller world

                            11.   What are you favorite books? the magic tree house

                            12.   What are your favorite websites? google.com

                            13.   What are you good at?   Do you have any special talents? i am good at drawing

                            14.   What is the hardest thing about school for you? everything is easy for me.

                            15.   What is the easiest thing about school for you? following directions

                            16.   What do you want to do when you grow up?be a lawyer or doctor or artist


                            SGS OPINION POLL

                            I took a poll of my classmates on a current events issue.  See the results below:

                            about muath

                            November 10, 2009

                            IMG_0187 1.   What is your name and age?

                            Muath,Iam 11.

                            2.   Where were you born?

                            In United kingdom.

                            3.   If you were not born in the United States, when did you come to this country?


                            4.   What are some of the big differences between your home country and the United States?

                            The United States is larger then my home country.

                            5.       How was school in your home country different from your school here in Philadelphia?

                            My school in my home country is harder then the my school in Philadelphia.

                            6.     What do you like best about your home country?  What do you like best about the United States?

                            My cousins and my friends ,in the United States there are many good people.

                            7.       What languages do you speak at home?


                            8.     What do you like to do in your free time?

                            Play wed my brother .

                            9.       What are you favorite musical groups?


                            10.   What are your favorite TV shows?

                            sweet life on deck

                            11.   What are you favorite books?

                            harry potter.

                            12.   What are your favorite website?


                            13.   What are you good at?   Do you have any special talents?


                            14.   What is the hardest thing about school for you?


                            15.   What is the easiest thing about school for you?


                            16.   What do you want to do when you grow up?


                            SGS OPINION POLL

                            I took a poll of my classmates on a current events issue.   See the results below:

                            about zykerah

                            November 10, 2009


                            1. What is your name and age?

                            Zykerah. 12 years old.

                            2. Where were you born?


                            3. What languages do you speak at home?


                            4. What do you like to do in your free time?

                            Play sports and watch tv.

                            5. What are you favorite musical groups?

                            Pretty ricky.

                            6. What are your favorite TV shows?

                            That’s so raven.

                            11. What are you favorite books?
                            June b. jones.junie

                            12. What are your favorite websites?

                            Puff games, myspace,

                            13. What are you good at? Do you have any special talents?

                            Playing soccer and singing.

                            14. What is the hardest thing about school for you?

                            Reading all those books.

                            15. What is the easiest thing about school for you?


                            16. What do you want to do when you grow up?

                            Be a doctor.


                            SGS OPINION POLL

                            I took a poll of my classmates on a current events issue.   See the results below:

                            Hello world!

                            November 10, 2009

                            Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!